Jamia Islamiyat Bhopal

An Institution of
Islamic Education

We believe everyone should have the opportunity
to create progress through technolog.

Eduker University

Acknowledge the Islam
And Understand the Islam

We believe everyone should have the opportunity
to know the reality of human kind.


Ibtidaiya sal awwal is a first step and first year exam to clear jamia islamiyat alimiyat course .

Sanviya Sal Awwal

Sanviya sal awwal is third year exam to clear jamia islamiyat alimiyat course .

Aliya Sal Awwal

Aliya sal awwal is third year exam to clear jamia islamiyat alimiyat course .

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About Us

About the Jamia Islamiyat

Jamia Islamiyat Bhopal (JIB) has been established in 1998 in Bhopal Madhya Pardesh. At Jamia we are having the Center in All Over India from Panjab to Bangal & Kashmir to Kanayakumari. Through this institution School & Collage going student are getting benefited. Jamia has lunched his own web portal named JAMIAISLAMIYAT.com so that the user can esaily get the information about Jamia. Information Like Centere Details, Centers Locations, Course Details, Courses Fee Stratuctar, Examination Time Table, Result Releted.


we conduct exam in Three Plus Languages . Hindi, Urdu and English


280 Plus Centers in All Over India .


We have Now more Then 7500 plus Students .


Running from 1999 and Continue .

Top Courses

Our Featured Courses

First Exam

Ibtidaiya Saal Awwal

One Paper (100)
Our Books
1. Quran Ki Batain Part 1
2. Sachcha Deen Part 1
3 Sachcha Deen Part 2

Second Exam

Ibtidaiya Saal Dowm

One Paper (100)
Our Books
1. Quran Ki Batain Part 2
2. Sachcha Deen Part 3
3. Sachcha Deen Part 4

Third Exam

Sanviya Saal Awwal

Two Paper (200)
Our Books
1. Deen ki Batain
2. Hamare Huzur
3. Khutbat Part 1
4. Khutbat Part 2

Fourth Exam

Sanviya Saal Dowm

Two Paper (200)
Our Books
1. Khutbaat 3rd, 4th & 5th
2. Talimul Islam 3rd & 4th
3. Shahadat-E-Haq

Fifth Exam

Aliya Saal Awwal

Four Paper (400)
Our Books
1st Paper (Quran)
1. Quran Majid ka Parichay
2. Tafhimul Quran Para Aama
( Tafsili Mutala Sura Fateha aur Sura Alkadra se Sura Annas tak)
2nd Paper (Hadith & Seerat)
1. Hayat-e-Tayyabah
2. Hadith Prabha
(Niyat ki pakizgih se Niqah wa Mehar tak)
3rd Paper (Islamiyat)
1. Deniyat
2. Adab-e-zindagi
4th Paper (Fiqha & Tarikh)
1. Islami Shariyat (Shuro se Aqiqe ke bayan tak)
2. Khulafa-e-Rashideen

Six Exam

Aliya Saal Dowm

Four Paper (400)
Our Books
1st Pape (Quran)
1. Tahfimul Quran Para Aama
( Tafsili Mutala Sura Fateha aur Sura Annaba se Sura Al Alak tak)
2. Quran kaise Padhe
2nd Paper (Hadith & Seerat)
1. Kranti Doot
2. Hadith Prabha
(Akhlaqiyat se Khatem-e-kitab tak)
3rd Paper ( Islamiyat)
1. Jeewan Murtu ke pashchat
2. Shanti Marg
3. Islam aur Agyan
4. Satya Dharam
5. Islam ki Jivan Vayvastha
4th Paper (Fiqah & Tarikh)
1. Islami Shariyat
(Roze ki bayan se Khatme-e-kitab tak)
2. Islami Itihaas

Note : The Same Marks of Question will be asked have been given befor the name of the book.


Our Administration Team

Sayyed Zafar Ali

Secratory Jamia Islamiyat Bhopal

Dr. Hamid Baig

President Jamia Islamiyat Bhopal

Zulfiqar Khan



Importance Of Education

Education plays a very important role in our lives. It ensures a brighter future for everyone. Not many people succeed in life without a good educational foundation. It’s clearly that education is a national policy which is always given top priority. Almost people want an interesting job with a good salary. To achieve it, you must get a good education. Getting a good job means having a better living standard. For example, compare two people. The first person is a high school drop-out, the second has a medical degree. The high school drop-out may got a job in food service, making about 1.5 million VND a month, barely eating. The second will have a better career as a doctor, making over 8 million VND a month. The doctor will, of course, have a more comfortable life than the first. Obviously, college graduates have a better chance of having a good paying job than high school graduates or high school drop-out. That shows the importance of education in modern life. A high quality education does not necessarily mean a five-years university degree. We have many choice, we don’t have to go to university at all cost. After high school graduation, one may choose to attend a technical school or a junior college. Where we study at is not important, it’s important in how we study. In Vietnam, students who want a better educational foundation often choose to study abroad. Environment of modern education will help students develop their own potential abilities. If you don’t have conditions to study abroad, you can still study at home universities. Our generation will become the engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of tomorrow. To do this successfully, a higher level of education is imperative. A higher education means a better life style, a better ability to adjust to new technologies and knowledge. What you do with your gray material will determine your future!

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